Perfectly Imperfect

It’s interesting to watch myself & my business flourish as a professional healer; people seek me for healing, advice, guidance & spiritual nourishment. Before I started Reiki, readings & counseling, I would look up to other healers & think wow! They're perfect! I had this idea they had their life together more than I did.

That’s so far from the truth, I am just like you. At times, the teacher & the student.

Perfectly imperfect.

I experience things just as you do, I get triggered, I struggle, have an attitude, cry, get mad & judge.

I am a spiritual being having a human experience & have moments of vulnerability, I ask myself what would I tell my clients? I would tell them; things happen babe, don’t be hard on yourself, it may seem bad right now, but I promise it’s temporary, things are always evolving & please treat yourself like you would your best friend or your baby learning how to walk for the first time. It’s okay to get out of alignment, that’s what our emotions are for - they indicate to us when we are & aren’t feeling our best. It’s a way we can practice more alignment, consistency & patience with ourselves & in turn letting others off the hook. LIFE DOESN’T HAVE TO BE SO SERIOUS BABE! Have some fun!


Life is tricky it throws curveballs, dramas, & small crises, every stage in a person's life there are new challenges & obstacles to overcome. We as humans believe we are “flawed” yet when things don’t go as planned, we are ridiculously hard on ourselves & others as we make mistakes & learn. Making it much more stressful to traverse through day-to-day grievances. During the past couple of months in certain aspects of my life, it seems that every lesson is essentially the same. GIVE UP CONTROL! You have none haha!

The Universe: You wanted this right? Here are opportunities to commit yourself, to go all in - time & time again. These contrasting experiences are giving you a choice, do we anchor in or fall apart? This is a stepping stone to where you want to be.

Practice what you teach, so here I am practicing, not giving up. But surrendering, believing in my dreams & doing my best to stay in FAITH.

Some days are easier than others but as the waves come in are you sitting still? While in the thick of it & the tower is crumbling are you jumping out of a burning building & falling to your death being impaled by sharp jagged rocks? Probably not.

So dramatic sometimes ;)


I’ve been asking myself, what’s really going on? What am I testing? What’s the lesson here?

Aha moment! My commitment is being tested. Do I believe I can do all that I’ve set forth to do? Can I stay easygoing, wise, & dedicated as life happens? Who do I need to become for those dreams to be made manifest? Do you have a practical plan?

SMH Earth Class is REAL. We are some incredible Earth Warriors! Why would we choose to come here if not for the trials & lessons that Life offers to one's development? We cannot grow & expand without difficult events.

High key everything is unfolding in Divine timing & things seem to work themselves out when we relax & trust the process.

Allow the pain to break you open. Let the light into all the dark places. Choose to see your experiences from a Divine point of view.

Right here.

Right now.

You can choose to see your life as a work of art. Because it is.


Higher Ground