The Journey — Relationship with You & The Universe

You belong here & serve a purpose.


Focusing on You


01 — Self Love

When we think of self love many of us picture mani, pedis & treating ourselves. We have a tendency to believe that outside validations is love; relationships, achievements, social media, career, finances & material gain. Self love goes beyond the superficial & goes deep within to find the hidden reasons why you aren’t loving yourself.

02 — Blockages

Once you identify your main blockages what’s keeping you separated from self which ultimately keeps you separated from Source, God, Spirit, The Universe or which ever name resonates with you. The REAL Love. The Elixir that exists in you, in me, in everyone & in everything.

03 — Re-programming

When these blockages are identified we come to realize that we have been programmed to believe things about ourselves through home, family, society & as a collective consciousness. We must unlearn what we think we know about ourselves & the world in order to get back to our True Selves.

04 — Healing

Healing can come in many forms & Reiki, Tarot, Mentorship, classes & Messages can have the power to transform your life - from depression, anxiety, & physical pain, ancestral healing, remove blockages, transmute negative energy & so much more. These services are wonderful but as the receiver, you must be willing to look within, do the work & begin to transform your life from the inside out. We can absolutely activate, inspire & transform, but remember you hold all the power.

When you face your challenges, you give yourself opportunity to grow.

Awakening to your Divine Truth can be challenging & illuminating.

Start a new relationship with yourself now.