How My Journey Began


I feel I’ve always been a spiritual person. . . gifted & completely in denial. Constantly in search of something bigger - a feeling of freedom. I grew up in a challenging yet loving home & my father wasn’t around much. But I took comfort in my imagination & discovered glorious places & I had an affinity for making up stories. This storytelling would hinder & help me in so many ways. Later I found out - I chose my life, my parents, my family & everyone else. To be exactly who they are in order for me to learn the lessons I set out for myself & everyone played their part perfectly & for that, I am thankful for every one of you & hold you in my heart dearly.

I come from a generation of mediums, shamans, empaths & psychics. My grandmother on our mother’s side, our mother - although she doesn’t practice, my older sister - who practices, myself & our youngest sister. We are all gifted with tremendous abilities that are all expressed differently.

My broken open moment began on February 17th, 2017 at 11:30 AM. I received the news on my mother’s doorstep that my best friend/boyfriend passed away. This devastated me in ways I cannot explain & losing a loved one is shocking & grief is not created equal. I phoned Mom to let her know, who called my eldest sister. On my way back home from seeing his family & grabbing the only thing, I would have left of him, our favorite army green jacket & a pair of his favorite red socks, said goodbye to his room & began driving on a journey that felt like to nowhere.

On my way home my sister rang, out of breath & clearly shaken she said she needed to see me right away. We arrived at our mother's house at the exact same time, she got out & you could see she had been crying. “I need to talk to you now,” she said. We went inside & for the next two hours, she proceeded to tell me how he came through. All the messages, music & things he had to say! Both of us in tears, he validated everything for me that afternoon. How God is real, why he passed (transitioned), his purpose, how he will never leave me & how much he loves me. He had an opportunity to say all the things he never got to say in his physical form. It was the saddest & the happiest day of my life, I have tears streaming down my face as I write this.

This experience changed my life for the better! It’s a strange thing to say - that by “losing” someone I love, I gained myself in the process, but he’s been with me every step of the way. I always know it's him, he sends me messages through music, the color red, I hear his voice & he flashes headlights at me - we loved joy riding together, so it makes perfect sense.

I delved deep! I read, read, read & read till I couldn’t read anymore, I watched everything & anything spiritual-related, I started to go to church, become the Vice President of that Church, sang in the choir, & helped run service on Sundays, I surrounded myself with individuals of Faith & similar beliefs, I went to Workshops, took Reiki I, saw Mediums & Tarot Card Readers. I went on a spiritual craze! What I was actually doing was finding myself, the journey back to me, back home with Source where we all come from.

Along this journey Reiki found me & I found it - the past few years I had heard on several occasions that I was a healer but it never processed. Synchronizations & signs kept coming forth to practice Reiki but I never pursued it fully, just took Reiki I in Santa Ana & was like okay, now what?

Two years later I saw a wonderful medium who finally got the message through, I think my guides were like come on girl! DO REIKI! Finally, I gave in & posted a message on Facebook & Bam! Within minutes a friend recommended Claire a Reiki Master/Teacher in Santa Monica. The moment I heard her voice & especially when we met in person I knew this would be my teacher/mentor. I sailed through Reiki I & II - & quickly went on to Reiki Master & my teaching degree, before I could blink I was practicing, making business cards, creating this website, taking photos, buying equipment & in a treatment room. Everything happened with Ease & Grace for the first time in my life, I didn’t have to try. It’s how I truly began to integrate & understand when you follow your heart things unfold as if by magic because in my eyes it is, love is magical & can transform your life. When you live with a heart perspective anything is possible & I am living proof.

XOXO Birdie

What People Are Saying

“Thank you for sharing your sacred space with me. My healing guides were at work with yours & Arch Angel Rafael was in the room with us. I felt more than one working on me. The feathers that were used made me feel at peace.”


“I had a really good night after I came home from your session. I was feeling totally relaxed & at peace, everything was going really well. I appreciate your time & expertise in what you do & your work!”


“Birdie was so amazing for starters! It was my first Reiki session & it went great. She explained everything really well & made sure all my questions were answered. Her voice was soothing & helped me focus. The experience as a whole was amazing & so is she! I definitely felt a big difference right after & even a few days after. I will absolutely do it again & I am going back to see her 10/10 recommended! ”


“I went into Heat & Halo to see Birdie for Reiki healing. I went in with an open mind but was unsure what to expect. As soon as she started I felt tingling & free. As she continued I felt parts of my body reacting, I had a kidney stone & at one point I felt pulling on my right side of my lower abdomen which is where my kidney stone was, I could feel the healing! As she continued I felt my heart happy & full! I have been through an emotional roller coaster with the ending of my marriage, as soon as I felt her hands, my heart felt happy. At that moment I began to cry, not just once but twice! This experience was amazing, it was full of positive vibes & I will definitely be doing it again. Birdie is sweet, kind, & lovely to be around. I highly recommend her to anyone looking for a healing experience, she is amazing! ”


Love comes from within & I’m here to help you activate it.

Let’s Connect

Ready to activate that heart chakra & get into alignment with Love