Higher Ground

Life is full of inspiration! We get inspired by people, fashion, music, art, walks in nature, a good book. Inspiration can come from anywhere & seemingly out of nowhere. Out of nowhere inspiration is what some call a Divine download or Higher self-wisdom. Life, in general, is an inspiration. We are all connected, & we absorb everything around us with our physical & spiritual senses. But what are the implications of inspiration & what does this really mean for me & my life? Consciousness is real & has an impact. If one person thinks a thought & others think the same thought. By the law of the Universe, it is & will manifest into a new creation or perpetually keep a creation going on in the physical. Whether good, bad, or indifferent, the Universe never judges it just is.

As a child, I remember going outside, playing with grass, hearing the birds make music, chasing butterflies & making dandelion crowns. I can see myself now - yellow dress, under the sun, spinning in a field of sunflowers with my face raised towards the sky. Being connected to Earth was & still is a significant part of my life, as humans grounding ourselves is crucial. What’s your favorite way to get grounded? Beach? Trees? Gardening? Whatever it is, do that! I love hiking! Although I may not be in a yellow dress in a field full of sunflowers, I get that same feeling when it's me & the world under my feet. I’d hike miles & miles till my poor feet couldn’t take it, I’d make my way up to the highest hill, see the world below, gaze up & feel how free I was. Being outside is the quickest way to connect to our Divine selves, to the Creator, to Gaia, to our guides & our loved ones. Being outside is having spectacular cell reception, you can always be reached.

I’ve been told many times that I am a healer & have gifts, but it never reached. Not till I found myself alone in nature, being fully available to the messages, to really receive the truth. When I started Reiki, I had a Divine download where I’d infuse Reiki with the Earth. At the time I was like - what does that even mean? Spirit speaks in riddles sometimes or maybe we aren’t meant to know exactly what they’re talking about till it happens - it makes it more fun that way! I asked, God. How the heck am I going to do this? I don’t even know where to start.

Think of the top five people you surround yourself with daily. Do they inspire you? For me, meeting people is apart of what I do, but you know the game’s changed when you link up in a Divinely inspired way.

Backtrack to December- I met this wonderful woman at a holiday event (so wonderful I had to write a blog about it lol) where I was reading Tarot cards, it was especially cold & no one seemed to be showing up. When I thought to myself, let’s make the best of things! I went around to each table & shot video on my IG stories & tagged the businesses. The last table I made my way to was this gorgeous young woman selling oils & herbs to my surprise or maybe not at all. We hit it off, before we knew it, I was reading her cards. We sat what felt like all of five minutes when 2 hours had passed & the event was over. Shortly after we realized how special our connection was & we quickly became friends.

There’s this common cliché that young people are irresponsible or stupid. LIES. She is more together, quick-witted, & wise than someone beyond their years. She inspires me! She inspired me to collab with her, she inspired me to work with herbs, she has shown me so much when it comes to plants – her Knowledge is off the charts! I am grateful God brought this young lady into my life; things will never be the same. I’m on a new level now. Watch out! Ha-ha! I’m excited about this part.

Let me repeat myself - this love for herbs has always been a thing, I’m a Taurus I can’t’ help it, whether that has anything to do with my sign or not is irrelevant. My point is I had been praying for a long time for Spirit to show me the way. I wanted a way to connect to herbs, plants & flowers in an authentic way that would match my soulprenuer business. Of course, when I stopped asking & forgot all about it. Here comes Spirit perfect place at the perfect time & this is where my herb healing journey begins, again.

In every lifetime, I was a healer, a curandera. I was a mother in New Zealand of five in the 1800s who was psychic. A male shaman with a headdress of wild bird feathers in the 1700s. A Scandinavian seer, psychic in the 1600s who used bones, fire & runes whose best friends were the birds. I was a part of a Polynesian Inca Tribe in the 1500s who used minerals, crystals & water to connect with her gifts & so much more! So here I am in this lifetime doing similar things in a modern/traditional way & I am grateful for yet another life cycle where I am living my purpose.

Today, more people are finding themselves, creating with their hands, healing, helping & encouraging each other every day. Because of our connectedness as consciousness, we are all starved for MORE light! You inspire me & I hear the call to take action to bring the loving healing energy of Reiki & the herbs of the Earth to the comfort of your homes. Being inspired is a direct implication - for you, for me, for healing & for healers around the world. Let’s continue to excite each other! My wish is that Higher Ground brings you the healing your heart desires. xoxo.


Perfectly Imperfect